How to Make a Summer Simmer Pot


Is there anything better than right after you spend some time cleaning, getting your space in tip-top shape, and then finishing it off by having a fresh, clean scent wafting through your home? If you ask me, I’d say no (except for of course, hanging out in the garden!). But there’s no secret, lots of our favourite candles & home diffusers are loaded with unsafe chemicals that are not only bad for us, but tend to trigger lots of people’s allergies! If you’re after that fresh scent, have you thought about trying a simmer pot? If you haven’t, they’re super simple & all natural, meaning no harsh chemicals in the air! I also love to do one before a dinner party or a gathering at the home.

Simmer pots are a great way to use some of the herbs (and flowers!) in your garden to create a natural fragrance that will fill your whole house! Though this recipe features lavender and rosemary, you can easily create a simmer pot that features other herbs & flowers like mint, thyme, lemongrass, chamomile, cloves and lemon balm. If you’re creating a simmer pot around the holidays, cinnamon is also a great addition!


  • 4 cups of fresh water (or fill your pot 3/4 full)

  • 1 lemon, sliced, fresh

  • 3 slices of grapefruit, dried or fresh

  • 4-5 sprigs of fresh lavender

  • 4-5 sprigs of fresh rosemary


  1. In a large pot, add your water & turn the stove on to medium-high to get the water warming up.

  2. While your water starts to warm, slice your lemon & grapefruit. If you plan to dry your slices, do this the day before, and dry them out.

  3. Add your sliced lemon & grapefruit, fresh lavender & fresh rosemary to the water.

  4. When the water reaches a gentle simmer, turn the temperature down to low.

  5. Let all of the ingredients simmer for a few hours and fill your home with natural fragrance. Don’t forget to periodically check to ensure you still have water in the pot - add more water as needed so it doesn’t get too low & dry out.

If you create this summertime simmer pot, let me know your thoughts on it in the comments below! I can’t wait to create this countless times throughout the summer to enjoy the scents of summer (and my garden!)


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